Rithum Switch picks up 2x CE Pro TNT awards at ISE 2023

8th Feb 2023, London UK

The Rithum team are delighted to have won two Top New Technology (TNT) awards at this years Integrated Systems Europe expo in Barcelona. Both for residential application, Rithum received awards for Best Control Panel and Best HVAC Thermostat, helping to excel Rithum into the spotlight during the exhibition.

Ryan Ovens, Rithum CEO, says:

“It’s great to win these awards and for the team to receive some recognition for all the hard work they’ve put in. We’d also like to thank all our integration partners, distributors, investors, and of course our customers, for helping us on our journey. The support has been amazing.”

The awards were announced on the first day of the ISE exhibition, which has been a great success for Rithum. The company has seen a spike in switch sales and, according to CEO Ryan Ovens, now has a “…queue of distribution and integration inquiries…” for their smart touch panel.

Over the coming months the Rithum team plan to focus on developing their software plugin offering to broaden the systems they integrate with. It’s shaping up to be a great year for Rithum.

Rithum Switch

Rithum Switch directly replaces an existing light switch and provides a convenient location in each room to control your smart home.



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