Emulated Hue Home Assistant with Rithum

Rithum’s beta tester, Chris, has been tinkering away and integrated the Rithum Switch with Home Assistant using a modified version of Emulated Hue. By following the instructions on his repository, you can integrate Rithum with Home Assistant, exposing scenes so they can be added to the scenes screen. Check out the repo here.

Another beta tester has taken that slightly further and dynamically updates the scene names.

There are obviously lots of possibilities with this and it opens the Rithum Switch up to many different applications.


Rithum Switch

Rithum Switch directly replaces an existing light switch and provides a convenient location in each room to control your smart home.




  1. I think that’s a great progression and will check it out and beta test if I can – allowing Violet into your HA word will be most useful.

    Any plans re MQTT or HomeBridge support for HomeKit users ?

    1. Hi Kevin – They are both on the list, yes, but we can’t confirm when they will happen at the moment.

  2. Hi, when I try to select a lamp or scene from Emulated Hue to control from Rithium it freezes or restarts. Anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks in advance

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